extended exhibition

until december 22nd 2024

exhibition february 2nd to november 24th 2024

fondation arp

The studio-house of Arp and Taeuber was designed by Sophie Taeuber-Arp (1889-1943), Swiss pioneer

of the Avant-garde, in the idea that art and everyday life should continually rely on each other.

But what are the differences between a studio and
a studio-house? And what subtleties are added when
this studio-house is not that of a single artist but that
of a couple of artists?


Esprit d'atelier, arp and taeuber, living and creating, new exhibition from the Fondation Arp presented from February 2nd to November 24th, 2024, immerses visitors in the intimacy of a couple emblematic of 20th century art.

They can discover how the place was designed, how
the work and daily life of the two creators are articulated. The living and studio spaces merge into a house and
a garden whose history evolves over the years.
These spaces expand, the functions change, and art
also develops with these modifications.


The exhibition presents major works by the two artists (sculptures, paintings, drawings, writings, etc.) alongside previously unpublished elements (sketches, drafts, photographs), testifying to the multiple studio spirit that resided in this house. While avoiding the reconstruction
of fictitious studios, each of the creators is presented
in the space they originally occupied. Other rooms are devoted to understanding the concept of studio-house, through the elements of life, through the joint works
of Arp and Taeuber, and through the meetings and numerous visits of all the artists of the European avant-garde movements. from the interwar period (Max Ernst, Tristan Tzara, Kurt Schwitters, Theo van Doesburg,
Paul Eluard, Marcel Duchamp, Maurice Ravel...),
so quick to come and join this couple for a day,
for a drink, for a work of art...



exhibition possible thanks to the support


of the Ministry of Culture

Direction régionale des affaires culturelles



of the city of Clamart




of the city of Meudon,

by a loan from the Musée d’Art et d’Histoire

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